Going to a Job You Don’t Like

A person can be fulfilled and become successful only when he is engaged in a business that he likes. Unloving work, where you have to go only for a paycheck, does not bring prosperity.

The reason is that a person in such a position does not see ways to develop, because subconsciously does not want to do it. Look for what you like – and you will forget about the lack of money.

Do as Your Parents Did at the Time

Many people subconsciously copy the behavior of their mom and dad. This applies to financial matters as well. If parents were prone to splurging, children are more likely to remember and adopt this pattern of behavior.

Try to figure out where you’re making a mistake, why there’s not enough money all the time. Maybe it’s time to learn how to make a spending plan to keep track of where all your savings go.

Buying Impulsively

We are surrounded by a huge number of stores and various temptations. If you do not turn on your brain at the right time, you can become the owner of a large pile of things that not only reduced the volume of our wallet, but also turned out to be unnecessary. The moment of purchase causes a surge of positive emotions, which allows us to feel happier and more satisfied with life for a while. But often these are only temporary emotions, and making such purchases is not the key to true happiness.

Buying More Groceries Than You Can Manage to Eat

Groceries are a constant expense item that you can’t cut out of your financial plan. But it can be significantly reduced through conscious shopping. Many of us buy enough groceries so that we don’t have a single empty shelf in the fridge. Unfortunately, food tends to spoil, and some foods end up in the trash. How much money would you accumulate if you added up all the food you threw away in a week, a month, or a year?

Not Planning Your Income Distribution

Financial ignorance plays a role, too. The poor often don’t know how to handle money at all. Whereas the wealthy take care of their financial safety cushion and profitably invest up to 10% of their income each month.

Shutting Yourself in

A person should be sociable. More acquaintances, contacts, connections – more opportunities. Come out of your own shell, socialize, be kinder and friendlier to those around you.

People are a kind of «currency» too. Perhaps one of your acquaintances or friends will offer you an interesting position, suggest a good way to earn money, «plant» an idea that will help you grow financially.

Constantly Using the Internet and Watching Movies

Learn to value your own time, as wealthy people do. There’s no money to be made from mindless hanging out on social networks and watching endless soap operas.

It is much better to devote your free time to mastering new skills, learning something useful that may come in handy in the future. You can take up a hobby – hundreds of thousands of people have already learned how to make money from their hobbies, whether it’s baking cakes or knitting stuffed animals.

Dreaming and Doing Nothing to Get What You Want

It’s healthy to dream, but you have to put in the effort to make your dreams come true. The rich know that to achieve something, you need to set a specific goal and think about how to make it happen.

Keep a daily planner. Set goals for the week, month, quarter. Celebrate small victories. Sooner or later your determination will lead to financial well-being.

Acceda a la versión completa del contenido

8 worst financial habits


El Boletín es un periódico digital independiente especializado en información económica, financiera y política, con casi tres décadas de historia. Fundado en 1992 por el periodista CARLOS HUMANES, en la actualidad lo edita Editorial Asesores de Publicaciones SCM, sociedad perteneciente al 100% a las personas que trabajan a diario en la redacción. Somos un grupo de periodistas que defiende un periodismo riguroso, honesto y abierto. Ni siglas ni partidos.

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